Tuesday, March 22, 2005


So I'm back from Global Vision. Times were good. We learned much. I had a great time in New York not worrying about things. I even enjoyed a trip to the Met(hear that, Drowatzky?) with a few of my new favorite conference youth.

As I was having so much fun, I kept wondering if maybe I was wrong to leave Benson. I miss my kids. I miss the simultaneous ego boost and ego check that comes with working with teenagers.

In the past week I got to see a group of kids get some real problems with the world and the church thrown at them. And the looks of 90% (give or take, it's not an exact science...well, it is, but not for me) of those faces said "I'm not going to let things keep being this way." It's amazing. They're amazing. I'm amazed.

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