Saturday, February 3, 2007

i know what clothing article i'll be requesting come Christmas

Sometimes I can be a faithless tool. I get it from my dad. There were many times in my youth when I recall my father skipping out on watching Duke's basketball games vs. Carolina because he couldn't stand the thought of losing to them. He'd go to his office, and my brothers and I would call him with updates. So this afternoon, I became my father. I avoided watching State's game vs. Carolina and what happened?

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Sidney Lowe's NC State Wolfpack, fueled by Sidney's stunning red blazer, beat the hated UNC Tarholes.

Some things I love about actually having a coach on the sidelines of our basketball games.

1. Beating UNC - Speaks for itself, really.

2. Adjustments - The biggest reason for State's losses this season? Defense. So what did my boys do? They worked on defense, beating VT and the 'Heels by coming up with big defensive stops when they most needed to(I'm taking little brother to the stars Zack Moser's word on it for the UNC game, but know it for sure in the VT game). Something isn't working during a game? Lowe calls time-out and they actually fix the problem. It's incredible.

3. Emotion - I get the sense that Sidney Lowe actually cares whether or not we win the game. I see it on the sideline, I hear it in his interviews, and I see it passed along to the team. The last fella just never acted like winning was the least bit important.

4. That striking red blazer. Really, I can't say enough about it.

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